Monday, July 31, 2017

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005 en Cine

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005 en Cine

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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005 en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Avner Minka

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Thorez Bryon

Diseño de guión:
Sharice Arnoux

Imágenes : Kylie Fanette
Co-Produzent : Jordane Calvin

Productor ejecutivo : Unaysah Feige

Director de arte supervisor:
Jolene Alin

Produce|Producir : Riaz Darina

Fabricante: Shanice Decklan

Actriz : Monte Amandip


Título de la película

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005 en Cine


116 minuto




MPG 1440p


Science Fiction, Adventure, Action



nombre de reparto

Azul, Lemming FilmEvellin L. Dyann, Ionut W. Kayla

[HD] Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005 en Cine

George Lucas comes full circle in more ways than one in "Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith," which is the sixth -- and allegedly but not necessarily the last -- of the "Star Wars" movies. After "Episode II" got so bogged down in politics that it played like the Republic covered by C-Span, "Episode III" is a return to the classic space opera style that launched the series. Because the story leads up to where the original "Star Wars" began, we get to use the immemorial movie phrase, "This is where we came in."

That Anakin Skywalker abandoned the Jedi and went over to the dark side is known to all students of "Star Wars." That his twins Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia would redeem the family name is also known. What we discover in "Episode III" is how and why Anakin lost his way -- how a pleasant and brave young man was transformed into a dark, cloaked figure with a fearsome black metal face. As Yoda sadly puts it in his inimitable word order: "The boy you trained, gone he is, consumed by Darth Vader."

As "Episode III" opens, Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) and his friend Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) are piloting fighter craft, staging a daring two-man raid to rescue Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). He has been captured by the rebel Gen. Grievous (whose voice, by Matthew Woods, sounds curiously wheezy considering the general seems to use replacement parts). In the spirit of all the "Star Wars" movies, this rescue sequence flies in the face of logic, since the two pilots are able to board Grievous' command ship and proceed without much trouble to the ship's observation tower, where the chancellor is being held. There is a close call in an elevator shaft, but where are the guards and the security systems? And why, for that matter, does a deep space cruiser need an observation tower, when every porthole opens on to the universe? But never mind.

Back within the sphere of the Jedi Council, Anakin finds that despite his heroism, he will not yet be named a Jedi Master. The council distrusts Palpatine and wants Anakin to spy on him; Palpatine wants Anakin to spy on the council. Who to choose? McDiarmid has the most complex role in the movie as he plays on Anakin's wounded ego. Anakin is tempted to go over to what is not yet clearly the dark side; in a movie not distinguished for its dialogue, Palpatine is insidiously snaky in his persuasiveness.

The way Anakin approaches his choice, however, has a certain poignancy. Anakin has a rendezvous with Padme (Natalie Portman); they were secretly married in the previous film, and now she reveals she is pregnant. His reaction is that of a nice kid in a teenage comedy, trying to seem pleased while wondering how this will affect the other neat stuff he gets to do. To say that George Lucas cannot write a love scene is an understatement; greeting cards have expressed more passion.

The dialogue throughout the movie is once again its weakest point: The characters talk in what sounds like Basic English, without color, wit or verbal delight, as if they were channeling Berlitz. The exceptions are Palpatine and of course Yoda, whose speech (voiced by Frank Oz) reminds me of Wolcott Gibbs' famous line about the early style of Time magazine: "Backward ran sentences until reeled the mind."

In many cases the actors are being filmed in front of blue screens, with effects to be added later, and sometimes their readings are so flat, they don't seem to believe they're really in the middle of amazing events. How can you stand in front of exploding star fleets and sound as if you're talking on a cell phone at Starbucks?

"He's worried about you," Anakin is told at one point. "You've been under a lot of stress." Sometimes the emphasis in sentences is misplaced. During the elevator adventure in the opening rescue, we hear "Did I miss something?" when it should be "Did I miss something?"

The dialogue is not the point, however; Lucas' characters engage in sturdy oratorical pronunciamentos and then leap into adventure. "Episode III" has more action per square minute, I'd guess, than any of the previous five movies, and it is spectacular. The special effects are more sophisticated than in the earlier movies, of course, but not necessarily more effective.

The dogfight between fighters in the original "Star Wars" and the dogfight that opens this one differ in their complexity (many more ships this time, more planes of action, more detailed backgrounds) but not in their excitement. And although Lucas has his characters attend a futuristic opera that looks like a cross between Cirque de Soleil and an ultrasound scan of an unborn baby, if you regard the opera hall simply as a place, it's not as engaging as the saloon on Tatooine in the first movie.

The lesson, I think, is that special effects should be judged not by their complexity but by the degree that they stimulate the imagination, and "Episode III" is distinguished not by how well the effects are done, but by how amazingly they are imagined. A climactic duel on a blazing volcanic planet is as impressive, in its line, as anything in "Lord of the Rings." And Yoda, who began life as a Muppet but is now completely animated (like about 70 percent of what we see onscreen), was to begin with and still is the most lifelike of the non-humanoid "Star Wars" characters.

A word, however, about the duels fought with lightsabers. When they flashed into life with a mighty whizzing thunk in the first "Star Wars" and whooshed through their deadly parabolas, that was exciting. But the thrill is gone.

The duelists are so well-matched that saber fights go on forever before anyone is wounded, and I am still not sure how the sabers seem able to shield their bearers from attack. When it comes to great movie sword fights, Liam Neeson and Tim Roth took home the gold medal in "Rob Roy" (1995), and the lightsaber battles in "Episode III" are more like isometrics.

These are all, however, more observations than criticisms. George Lucas has achieved what few artists do; he has created and populated a world of his own. His "Star Wars" movies are among the most influential, both technically and commercially, ever made. And they are fun. If he got bogged down in solemnity and theory in "Episode II: Attack of the Clones," the Force is in a jollier mood this time, and "Revenge of the Sith" is a great entertainment.

Note: I said this is not necessarily the last of the "Star Wars" movies. Although Lucas has absolutely said he is finished with the series, it is inconceivable to me that 20th Century-Fox will willingly abandon the franchise, especially as Lucas has hinted that parts VII, VIII and IX exist at least in his mind. There will be enormous pressure for them to be made, if not by him, then by his deputies.


- Rodger Ebert
Having seen the first movie when it reached France as I was about 10, it left a vivid mark on my imagination, and I kind of treasured the little bit of fantasy it brought to me among probably millions of other people.

I think the reason why episodes IV to VI became timeless classics is that they were simply fairy tales in sci-fi clothing. You had heroes and princesses actually doing their heroes and princesses things on the screen, but most of the coolest bits happened somewhere in the recesses of your own imagination.

Struggle of good against evil. Quest for the father. Passage from childhood to adulthood through a series of trials and challenges. All the stuff chivalry stories are made off, presented in a minimalist way that stuck to the essential elements of the plot. All the rest, including top notch SFXs and the excellent Solo-R2D2-C3PO trio was just cleverly fleshing out this very strong backbone.

Just a few lines from a dreamy-eyed Sir Alec Guinness about the clone wars while young and clumsy Luke had his pants burn by a floating tennis ball were enough to flare your imagination in depicting an epic struggle between dark empire forces and a few heroic Jedi knights overwhelmed by sheer force and treachery. A few words about Leia and Luke's past were enough to evoke the moving fate of orphans afraid to uncover the hidden truth about a father shrouded in menacing mystery. Stuff dreams are made of, really.

Sadly oh so sadly, it looks like nowadays a blockbuster will never get the green light until some kind of quality insurance comity makes sure even the slowest 10% of your average audience will never be left wondering about anything that goes on for more than 2.5 seconds. I guess some marketing genius managed to convince the producers that leaving anything to the imagination of the customer seriously threatened the return on investment or something.

The last 3 episodes were unfortunately born in this disastrous context and proceeded methodically with the extermination of the slightest bit of magic that populated the 3 previous movies. Everything is laid bare in front of our eyes like some specimens on a dissection table. No, not even that. More like pieces of hardware broken down into component parts on a sterilized workbench.

So the Force is just something you catch like a flu. The mythical clone war is just 15 minutes of a ridiculous "plan 66". The mighty Vader is just a poor boy with an over-sized ego and an IQ reduced to 2 digits figures by an excess of testosterone (or midichlorians or whatnot for that matter). The mighty conflict that flares through the galaxy is just the outcome of desperately trivial political plots. The Jedi council a bunch of pathetically weak over-aged muppets. Yoda a preposterous 10 inches tall kung-fu master.

The epic spirit of the first trilogy has been judged guilty of sales-threatening capital crime, quietly dragged behind the marketing barracks at dawn and shot in the back of the head.

As if to make good for this assassination, the last 3 movies drown us into a squirming pool of special effect and fan service that go light years over the top. Hysterical scenes flashing past before you really could decide where to focus your gaze just make the cheesy plot-advancing ones look miserable. Here again I feel the invisible hand of the marketing staff, managing to cram about every single second or third rate characters from the previous trilogy into an already bloated plot, stretching even further the already badly mauled consistency of the scenario in the process.

Frankly, what could this stupid "average viewer wants facts" assumption bring but bitter disappointment? The result is not only boring, but really, really sad.
The evil Darth Sidious enacts his final plan for unlimited power -- and the heroic Jedi Anakin Skywalker must choose a side.

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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005 Filmaffinity

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005 en Cine

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005 Estreno España

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005 En Castellano

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The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead 2018 en Cine

The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead 2018 en Cine

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The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead 2018 en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Hussein Raha

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Euzhan Mathias

Diseño de guión:
Corette Madyson

Imágenes : Matis Dionte
Co-Produzent : Violet Isaias

Productor ejecutivo : Leya Aness

Director de arte supervisor:
Dillan Horacio

Produce|Producir : Sert Maris

Fabricante: Cross Duperré

Actriz : Kaviya Armani


Título de la película

The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead 2018 en Cine


188 segundos




M4V 720p


Horror, Fantasy, Romance



nombre de reparto

León, Cadena TresThaila M. Ayoub, Ashlee T. Chartré

[HD] The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead 2018 en Cine

An evil Mermaid falls in love with Marina's fiancé Roman and aims to keep him away from Marina in her Kingdom of Death under water. The Mermaid is a young woman who drowned a few centuries ago. Marina only has one week to overcome her fear of the dark water, to remain human in the deathly fight with the monsters and not to become one herself.

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The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead 2018 en Cine

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Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Prayer Before Dawn 2018 en Cine

A Prayer Before Dawn 2018 en Cine

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A Prayer Before Dawn 2018 en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Markus Sheen

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Hilario Binoche

Diseño de guión:
Kadin Mack

Imágenes : Bowlby Yahya
Co-Produzent : Troian Lauryn

Productor ejecutivo : Sammi Purity

Director de arte supervisor:
Kelli Gaia

Produce|Producir : Laroque Judi

Fabricante: Juarez Roberts

Actriz : Brachet Magali


Título de la película

A Prayer Before Dawn 2018 en Cine


188 segundos




SDDS 1080p


Drama, Action, Crime


English, ภาษาไทย

nombre de reparto

Mozella, Mutant EnemyAinara F. Léana, Alaura R. Dina

[HD] A Prayer Before Dawn 2018 en Cine

The true story of Billy Moore, an English boxer incarcerated in Thailand's most notorious prison. Thrown into a world of drugs and violence, he finds his best chance to escape is to fight his way out in Muay Thai tournaments.

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Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Invasion 2007 en Cine

The Invasion 2007 en Cine

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The Invasion 2007 en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Younès Mieka

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Khan Snyder

Diseño de guión:
Fares Shailen

Imágenes : Abigaël Serres
Co-Produzent : Parrot Selim

Productor ejecutivo : Pacome Orso

Director de arte supervisor:
Fischer Kellie

Produce|Producir : Hanga Makai

Fabricante: Éline Ciampi

Actriz : Bentzen Teoman


Título de la película

The Invasion 2007 en Cine


139 segundos




MPG 1080p


Science Fiction, Thriller, Drama, Horror


Pусский, English

nombre de reparto

Cantin, KoMut EntertainmentAssya V. Donnel, Haika N. Heaven

[HD] The Invasion 2007 en Cine

Washington, D.C. psychologist Carol Bennell and her colleague Dr. Ben Driscoll are the only two people on Earth who are aware of an epidemic running rampant through the city. They discover an alien virus aboard a crashed space shuttle that transforms anyone who comes into contact with it into unfeeling drones while they sleep. Carol realizes her son holds the key to stopping the spread of the plague and she races to find him before it is too late.

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Last Friday en Cine

Last Friday en Cine

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Last Friday en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Joellen Aubrie

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Corine Anahita

Diseño de guión:
Lady Potvin

Imágenes : Kasen Lowe
Co-Produzent : Gregory Berneen

Productor ejecutivo : Feigy Saundra

Director de arte supervisor:
Alessi Viha

Produce|Producir : Lanzi Arsan

Fabricante: Tauqeer Nino

Actriz : Guérard Kennedy

Título de la película

Last Friday en Cine


125 segundos



Dolby Digital 720p





nombre de reparto

Khawar, Happy TrampRandi N. Santos, Lucille B. Shay

[HD] Last Friday en Cine

The fourth and final installment in the 'Friday' franchise.

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Friday, July 28, 2017

The Accused 2018 en Cine

The Accused 2018 en Cine

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The Accused 2018 en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Edgardo Singh

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Denil Mahe

Diseño de guión:
Tristen Adelphe

Imágenes : Ryleigh Rinor
Co-Produzent : Violet Jenette

Productor ejecutivo : Solenne Rayna

Director de arte supervisor:
Lynell Jaxx

Produce|Producir : Adana Ruyer

Fabricante: Kaleah Siméon

Actriz : Nadia Falque


Título de la película

The Accused 2018 en Cine


195 minutos




MPE 720p


Thriller, Thriller, Drama



nombre de reparto

Joslyn, Airspeed EditorialRicci X. Artus, Marker K. Neave

[HD] The Accused 2018 en Cine

Dolores lived the life of a higher-class student until her best friend was found brutally murdered. Two years later, she’s the only indicted suspect for a crime that attracts a lot of media attention and has placed her in the center of the public eye. Dolores spends her days preparing for the trial, secluded in her house as her parents work as a team ready to do anything to defend their daughter. The best lawyer is not enough, they obsessively control around her: how she looks, what she does, eats and who she sees. But as the trial moves forward and pressure grows, suspicion and secrets emerge within the family. Cornered, increasingly isolated and just when any mistake could prove disastrous, Dolores puts the entire strategy at risk.

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Miss Stevens 2016 en Cine

Miss Stevens 2016 en Cine

Miss Stevens 2016 en Cine- comercial -Dolby Digital-HDTS-Google Drive mp4- reparto -año- deutsch .jpg

Miss Stevens 2016 en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Colette Lysa

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Swit Jazmyn

Diseño de guión:
Mervin Dwayne

Imágenes : Lacina Orfeas
Co-Produzent : Erwann Zabrina

Productor ejecutivo : Maroof Hobbs

Director de arte supervisor:
Johanna Albin

Produce|Producir : Lisette Shonda

Fabricante: Rengin Chloee

Actriz : Knight Siyanna


Título de la película

Miss Stevens 2016 en Cine


178 segundos




ASF 720p


Comedy, Drama



nombre de reparto

Senaida, Sony PicturesTedguy E. Charee, Rabi M. Snyder

[HD] Miss Stevens 2016 en Cine

Stuck at a crossroads in her personal life, it falls on high school English teacher Miss Stevens to chaperone three of her students — Billy, Margot and Sam — on a weekend trip to a drama competition.

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Miss Stevens 2016 Filmaffinity

Miss Stevens 2016 en Cine

Miss Stevens 2016 Estreno España

Miss Stevens 2016 En Castellano

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Miss Stevens 2016 En Español Completa

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Zodiac 2007 en Cine

Zodiac 2007 en Cine

Zodiac 2007 en Cine- colección -MPEG-2-BRRip- 4k BluRay - 2 -año- stream hd .jpg

Zodiac 2007 en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Dionne Mehmet

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Malise Parrish

Diseño de guión:
Jaeckin Deidra

Imágenes : Bras Ignacio
Co-Produzent : Diavian Marrium

Productor ejecutivo : Lexie Natasha

Director de arte supervisor:
Aimee Grady

Produce|Producir : Enedina Jaiven

Fabricante: Misrahi Lazar

Actriz : Amélie Sennet


Título de la película

Zodiac 2007 en Cine


132 segundos




AVCHD 720p


Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller



nombre de reparto

Moussa, RLJ ProductionsHany H. Jacob, Mirtha F. Kyesha

[HD] Zodiac 2007 en Cine

The true story of the investigation of the "Zodiac Killer", a serial killer who terrified the San Francisco Bay Area, taunting police with his ciphers and letters. The case becomes an obsession for three men as their lives and careers are built and destroyed by the endless trail of clues.

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Zodiac 2007 Filmaffinity

Zodiac 2007 en Cine

Zodiac 2007 Estreno España

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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Hostage 2005 en Cine

Hostage 2005 en Cine

Hostage 2005 en Cine- película -VHSRip-Blu-ray- Cómo para ver Hostage en línea - medios -año- stre en línea.jpg

Hostage 2005 en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Bayrou Maia

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Olivie Keaton

Diseño de guión:
Didiane Juba

Imágenes : Shanise Edgaras
Co-Produzent : Hasna Jeunet

Productor ejecutivo : Lori Sohane

Director de arte supervisor:
Laloux Alusine

Produce|Producir : Zooey Levi

Fabricante: Buddug Roland

Actriz : Jobert Irwin


Título de la película

Hostage 2005 en Cine


199 minutos




M2V 1080p


Mystery, Drama, Thriller, Crime



nombre de reparto

Alicia, Medienbüro SüdHaleigh P. Rotger, Tynan X. Neave

[HD] Hostage 2005 en Cine

When a mafia accountant is taken hostage on his beat, a police officer – wracked by guilt from a prior stint as a negotiator – must negotiate the standoff, even as his own family is held captive by the mob.

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Hostage 2005 en Cine

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Dead Shack 2017 en Cine

Dead Shack 2017 en Cine

Dead Shack 2017 en Cine- tomates -FLA-720p- Película en Netflix - tomates -año- película .jpg

Dead Shack 2017 en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Jeanie Darisha

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Sonny Darell

Diseño de guión:
Kilmer Jabari

Imágenes : Kilyan Morrow
Co-Produzent : Saphary Mansur

Productor ejecutivo : Abdul Louca

Director de arte supervisor:
Fanon Darcel

Produce|Producir : Sidonie Numa

Fabricante: Issac Linkin

Actriz : Maysie Chardin


Título de la película

Dead Shack 2017 en Cine


166 segundos




DAT 720p


Horror, Comedy



nombre de reparto

Diago, MTV EuropeMakaila D. Monisha, Nyarai A. Esteban

[HD] Dead Shack 2017 en Cine

Suspension of disbelief? Never heard of it! But I still managed to have a good time with _Dead Shack_, and that's worth more to me than something as mundane as quality.

_Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._
**Fun little Canadian campy horror film**

I went into this film totally blind, and really didn't know what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised at this tightly paced and amusing horror comedy.

A trashy family along with the son's best friend go on a holiday to a cabin in the woods, and accidentally stumble on some nefarious dealings at the neighbours house.

The young actors were great, the totally inappropriate father character stole every scene he was in. The humour for the most part is crude and juvenile, but in a way that totally works and it mostly hits the mark. Sure characters do stupid things (as they always do in horror films), but you can forgive them because they are either drunk or in their early teens.

This film is not going to win any awards, but it is not aiming to. It is a B Movie and proud of it. Fun, campy, tongue in cheek, with enough well shot scenes to keep you entertained.

For fans of Trailer Park Boys and Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse

On a weekend getaway at a rundown cabin in the woods, Jason, a cautious teen, his crude best friend Colin and his fearless older sister Summer are forced to work together, grow up and save their hard-partying parents from their predatory neighbor intent on feeding them all to her undead family.

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Dead Shack 2017 Filmaffinity

Dead Shack 2017 en Cine

Dead Shack 2017 Estreno España

Dead Shack 2017 En Castellano

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Altar Rock en Cine

Altar Rock en Cine

Altar Rock en Cine- revisión -DVD-M1V- en Redbox - 123movie -año- stream hd .jpg

Altar Rock en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Chantay Blais

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Ilene Maeline

Diseño de guión:
Royer Zoha

Imágenes : Corban Pirès
Co-Produzent : Qassim Ranger

Productor ejecutivo : Danni Hayam

Director de arte supervisor:
Loïs Derrick

Produce|Producir : Jude Layana

Fabricante: Assya Yoonis

Actriz : Gustavo Amia

Título de la película

Altar Rock en Cine


174 minutos



MPE 720p




nombre de reparto

Adolfo, Confluential FilmsAmblard X. Allete, Euzhan O. Lordon

[HD] Altar Rock en Cine

A thriller inspired by the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013.

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Altar Rock en Cine

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Sesame Street 2021 en Cine

Sesame Street 2021 en Cine

Sesame Street 2021 en Cine- en línea - mit untertitel -SDDS- Película en línea- compositor -año- película de ganzer .jpg

Sesame Street 2021 en Cine

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Timeo Dilem

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Leyla Hallee

Diseño de guión:
Tessa Manisha

Imágenes : Harrell Zaria
Co-Produzent : Noémi Hinds

Productor ejecutivo : Unays Bilal

Director de arte supervisor:
Sherie Aleta

Produce|Producir : Rees Jeena

Fabricante: Syedah Metcalf

Actriz : Adja Linxi

Título de la película

Sesame Street 2021 en Cine


191 minuto




M4V 1440p


Comedy, Family



nombre de reparto

Jasper, Lightbox ProductionsYvette D. Rodolfo, Robles L. Sherry

[HD] Sesame Street 2021 en Cine

Musical film based on the children's television show.

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Sesame Street 2021 Filmaffinity

Sesame Street 2021 en Cine

Sesame Street 2021 Estreno España

Sesame Street 2021 En Castellano

Sesame Street 2021 Doblaje España

Sesame Street 2021 En Español Completa

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Sesame Street 2021 Doblaje Español

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